warioRewrite.lua - Basegame Wario, New & Improved!

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warioRewrite.lua - Basegame Wario, New & Improved!

Postby MrNameless » Sun Jul 07, 2024 7:58 am


Here's a script that's essentially a new & improved version of Basegame Wario!

Featuring a newer script made for Beta 5 with modifiable player data variables & settings ranging from extra features from allowing spinjumps, allowing Small Wario to still be able to use abilities, & fixes like making Launch Barrels work with Wario, and properly bouncing away from bumper NPCs when dashing into them!


Also included in the library are ALOT of configurable settings!
(Ground-Pound Settings)
- allowGroundPound <- Should wario be allowed to ground pound? (true by default)
- allowHarmBlockPounding <- Should wario be allowed to "hit" harm/lava blocks while ground pounding without being harmed? (false by default)
- allowGroundPoundCancel <- Should wario be allowed to stop ground pounding by pressing altJump again? (true by default)
- allowGroundPoundCancel <- Should wario be allowed to stop ground pounding by pressing altJump again? (true by default)
- bounceOnGroundPound <- Should wario bounce on NPCs & stop ground pounding when currently ground pounding (true by default)
- poundInstaKill <- Should wario be able to always instakill the npc being ground pounded on? (false by default)
- poundEffect <- The image effect used for ground pounding
- groundPoundFrame <- The frame used for ground pounding (30(yoshi-riding) or 24(sliding) by default)

(Dashing/Shoulder Bash Settings)
- allowDashing <-Should wario be allowed to dash? (true by default)
- allowAirDash <- Should wario be allowed to perform an air dash? (false by default)
- dashBumpNPCs <- Should wario bump into NPCs & stop dashing when currently dashing? (true by default)
- dashEffect <- The image effect used for dashing
- dashSFX <- The SFX used for dashing
- dashSFXRate <- Show many frames will it for a SFX to play while dashing? (8 by default)
- dashChargeTime <- How many frames will it take for Wario to startup his dash? (24 by default)
- dashSpeedcap <- What is the possible maximum speed while dashing? (8 by default)
- dashAccel <- How fast is the acceleration to top speed while dashing? (4 by default)
- dashLimit <- How many frames can wario dash before automatically stopping? (-1 by default)
- dashFrames <- How many frames does wario's dash animation have? (2 by default)
- dashFramespeed <- How fast should wario's dash animation be played? (0.2 by default)
- dashJumpFrame <- The frame used when dashing in midair (33 by default)
- dashingAnim <- -- What frames will be displayed during wario's dash animation? (32,33 by default)

(Ducking + Crawling Settings)
- allowDuckSliding <- Should wario be able to slide on the ground with less friction? (false by default)
- allowCrawling <- Should wario be allowed to crawl? (true by default)
- crawlAntizip <-Should there be an antizip to prevent wario from unducking when a block is above him? (true by default)
- crawlspeed <- How fast should wario crawl? (2 by default)
- crawlFrames <- How many frames does wario's crawl animation have? (2 by default)
- crawlFramespeed <- How fast should wario's crawl animation be played? (0.1 by default)
- crawlAnim <- What frames will be displayed during wario's crawl animation? (22,23 by default)

(Miscellaneous Settings)
- allowSmallAbilities <- Should wario be able to use his unique abilites, even when he's small? (false by default)
- allowSpinjump <-Should wario be able to spinjump? (false by default)
- allowCoinsOnKill <- Will enemies be able to drop coins upon being killed? (true by default)
- droppedCoinId <- What npc/coin id will be dropped upon killing an enemy? (10 by default)
- barrelFix <- Do you want to fix the issue with wario not properly going through a straight line when shot out of a barrel? (true by default)

1.0.0 (July 7, 2024)
- Initial release!

1. Copy/Cut/Move & Paste warioRewrite.lua into the level/episode folder of your choice.
2. Open up the luna.lua file of said chosen level/episode
3.Go to the top of that script file to copy & paste this line:

local wario = require("warioRewrite")
playerManager.overrideCharacterLib(CHARACTER_WARIO, wario)

4. Save that luna.lua file & open up the level with the warioRewrite script & have fun!

https://drive.google.com/file/d/105BZED ... drive_link

Last edited by MrNameless on Sun Jul 07, 2024 8:46 am, edited 2 times in total.

Master of Disaster
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Re: warioRewrite.lua - Basegame Wario, New & Improved!

Postby Master of Disaster » Sun Jul 07, 2024 8:18 am

This is some awesome stuff! You can see the sheer amount of work that went into this by just looking at the customizable settings alone!

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Re: warioRewrite.lua - Basegame Wario, New & Improved!

Postby OneTonShoe » Sun Jul 07, 2024 9:00 am

This should be the way Wario functions by default. Super awesome work!!!

Buster Beetle
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Re: warioRewrite.lua - Basegame Wario, New & Improved!

Postby mariobrigade2018 » Wed Jul 10, 2024 10:50 pm

Need help activating the code. The thing provided doesn't work.

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Re: warioRewrite.lua - Basegame Wario, New & Improved!

Postby Torterra18 » Mon Jul 15, 2024 10:59 am

Wow that's really cool! btw do you have plans on doing something similar for the other characters? it would be useful for a chapter I plan on making since it uses a lot of characters other than the default one.

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