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Postby Basil » Mon Jul 22, 2024 3:55 pm

wario treasure master 2 !!

Me and Metrovania are working on the sequel to Wario Treasure Master, with many gameplay additions.
Wario can now charge a Power Throw or Charged Ground Pound, Mach Run anywhere, and has received numerous visual improvements.

Each level has three keys to find and collect, and a bonus Second Lap during the escape for more riches and a special enemy encounter.

Keep in mind that this project is currently in-development, and some aspects may not reflect their final state in the future.

Have fun !! :mrgreen:

P.S. thank you all for your feedback and criticism on the original treasure master! we really appreciate you checking it out


small fix was made for the sewer level (slip 'n' spillway). just drag the .lvlx into your current folder

https://drive.google.com/file/d/1TMI9Pb ... sp=sharing
Last edited by Basil on Tue Jul 23, 2024 12:32 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Master of Disaster
Fighter Fly
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Postby Master of Disaster » Tue Jul 23, 2024 9:22 am

Lets go!! I'll give some feedback when I've played enough of it

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Postby OneTonShoe » Wed Jul 24, 2024 6:04 am

Man, what an AWESOME looking project so far! The pacing is much better thanks to being able to sprint at any time, and the level design feels better too.
Also quick question, I encountered this guy while doing Lap 2 on Storm Drain Dugout, what does he do?

Master of Disaster
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Postby Master of Disaster » Sat Jul 27, 2024 12:06 pm

I guess it's time for some detailed feedback.

First things first, this is a massive step up from Wario Treasure Master, and you can really see the extra amount of polish that went into this demo!
Wario's extra animations are a great touch and make him a lot more expressive.

structural stuff
Spoiler: show
I also really like the new game loop of this episode, the 3 optional keyzers work better than having one required keyzer to exit the level, and the second lap really makes the return more interesting.
Speaking of the second lap though, I think it's currently poorly explained what the purpose of the second lap (other than getting more money) is, and what differenciates the gems from coins. The fact that the gems are what fills the boss meter, and that you can actually fight back against Yuri too me quite a while to figure out. It's fair in a demo to not explain that, but I think in the actual episode this should be explained in a way.

More importantly though, Yuri is super annoying to fight. Giving them Phanto AI makes them very annoying, since they usually hit you when you leave a pipe, with nothing you can do. Additionally, it's hard to hit them, because they dodge you in a super annoying way.

That's something that has to be adressed in my opinion.

Also, I feel the timer is too short for a second lap, especially since you are meant to collect gems and fight Yuri in that time too. I'd generally add 10 seconds to every level's timer.

One other thing that should be adressed is the fact that the 3 keyzers don't respawn when collected, making some areas of the level empty on repeat playthroughs. Perhaps a coin bag (maybe with wings) or something could spawn at a keyzer's position when it's already collected, similar to the keyzer in the vertical section of the tutorial level. The Alley level for example really suffers from that, where all keyzer locations bring you next to nothing on repeat playthroughs, despite being fairly hard to get to.
level design
Spoiler: show
In general the level design of the demo is really good! Wario's moveset gets utilized in plenty of ways, there are plenty of riches to find and the level structure is really interesting as well.
There are a few problems I have with the lineup of levels, though these will go into more of a nitpicky direction:

One thing that this demo does a lot worse then Wario Treasure Master is that the levels blend together a lot more. 3 out of 4 levels in this demo use a very brick-heavy theme, and while alley manages to stand apart fairly well despite of that, especially grotto and the tutorial level are very similar. Another thing that doesn't help is that the Sonic CD OST (specifically the US one, which is mostly used) is also just less varied than Wario Land Shake it music that was used in WTM. Additionally the level gimmicks are a bit less pronounced (which is in my opinion better than it was in WTM, those levels got pretty gimmicky fairly quickly). Trying to do some measures to make the levels more distinct from each other would really help the episode. Best way to do that would probably be adding more visual variety between the levels.
Not the biggest issue though, but still something worth considering

One thing that almost all levels in the demo suffer from is that sections that make you use the mach run are a bit too tight for their own good. Especially Sewers suffers from that, but also the tutorial level has it's fair share of areas where you have to do an overly precise jump or have uncomfortably little space to charge up the run (view gifs for that)

Also, some areas in Sewers are way too shrouded imo, especially when you return (and then again especially on the second lap). I get that it's for conveying the atmosphere of a wasteyard, but man it goes overboard in the misty areas.

Also something about Alley, the area with the red switch blocks is cool, but very annoying. For once does the post look like a bgo, making me crash into it way too often. Giving it a black outline or something would work well. More importantly though, doing a charged run and jumping to hit the blocks is really cool, but way too precise atm. Perhaps it would be better if there were two switch blocks next to each other rather than just one, especially since you have to do that twice, and once under time pressure.

I really like Grotto (probably be my favorite of the demo). There are still a few things I want to point out there: The boosters are a cool gimmick, however you don't get shot out boosting when you shoulderbash into it. Should be super easy to fix, just also add wariodashing.dash = false into the part where it shoots you off.
This section is neat in concept, but was it really necessary to have to hold into the correct direction when going through the correct pipe as well? That makes it overly cryptic.

Also since the water disappears when you return, I think it would be cool if there was a draining sound effect that plays when you hit the frog switch to put a bit of attention to that (I actively realized that like after I beat the level lol)

another super small thing is that the booster should also play a sound effect when it boosts you, but that's like super nitpicky xD
Overall, this is an awesome demo, and I am absolutely looking forward to later demos and it's release!
Already way better than Wario Treasure Master, and that one is like one of my favorite SMBX episodes

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Postby Basil » Sun Jul 28, 2024 12:31 pm

Master of Disaster wrote:
Sat Jul 27, 2024 12:06 pm

Thanks for your insight!
I'd say I agree with you on pretty much everything, so we'll see what can be done.

For Yurei, I guess all I can do is just play around and see what feels better. I hope to not use the phanto AI in the end but it will be difficult to find/make a replacement I think.

But I'm glad you are enjoying the project thus far, This is already going leagues better than WTM1 :mrgreen:

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